future closer
4 successful projects
our technology has proven itself on a variety of minerals from gold to critical ones
of future
Solar photovoltaic (PV) technology converts sunlight directly into electricity using semiconductor materials.
This process involves photovoltaic cells, commonly made from silicon, which absorb photons from sunlight and release electrons.
Windmill technology, or wind turbines represents a promising clean energy source for the future, leveraging the power of wind to generate electricity. As the wind blows, it turns the blades around a rotor, which is connected to a main shaft. This shaft spins a generator to create electricity.
Geothermal energy exploits the natural heat gradient between the Earth's hot core and its surface, using it to generate electricity or provide direct heating. There are several methods to tap into geothermal energy, depending on the depth and temperature of the geothermal resource.
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technology harnesses sunlight to generate heat. CSP uses mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight onto a small area. The concentrated light is converted to heat, used to produce steam to drive a turbine connected to an electrical generator.
Hydropower harnesses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. The basic principle involves converting the kinetic and potential energy of water into mechanical energy using turbines, which then drive generators to produce electricity.
Nuclear power utilize the energy released from nuclear reactions. The nucleus of an atom splits into two or smaller, lighter nuclei, releasing a tremendous amount of energy. This energy is used to heat water, producing steam that drives turbines to generate electricity.
Energy storage plays a crucial role in enhancing the reliability and efficiency of clean energy sources. As the adoption of renewable energy sources like wind and solar power grows, the need for effective energy storage solutions becomes increasingly important to balance supply and demand.
Сomplete list
- Lead
- Silver
- Zinc
- Molybdenum
- Nickel
- Indium
Сomplete list
- Aluminium
- Chromium
- Lead
- Molybdenum
- Manganese
- Neodymium
- Nickel
Сomplete list
- Manganese
- Titanium
Сomplete list
- Silicon
Сomplete list
- Manganese
- Other
Сomplete list
- Molibdenium
- Other
Сomplete list
- Lithium
- Manganese
- Other
by 2050
for clean
The energy transition requires
Multidomain approach
Satellite imagery and geological data, powered by AI, allows to predict minerals location with incredible precision.
Our values
Our company strictly adheres
to high standards in mineral
extraction, like international JORC
reserve estimation standards. This
ensures reliability and transparency
in investor relations.
Our company applies responsible mining
practices, avoiding damage to the ecosystems
around our fields. We strive to minimize
negative environmental impact and ensure
long-term sustainability in our operations.
We value our partners and consider them a key element of our success. We
support the development and growth of our partners by ensuring mutually
beneficial partnerships and joint development based on trust and respect.
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